2021: Creating a Lexicon of Future

Ruth Glendinning
2 min readApr 29, 2021

K is for Keystone

Holding the space between heaven and earth, the keystone holds the delicate balance of the arc. Connecting past to future and providing a frame for the unfolding story.

Socializing the Big Ideas

As we move out of conceptualizing and planning, we must socialize our vision with others, it’s important to use your outrage to light the way to root the solution in WHY the vision is important, which unlocks the “keystone capitals”:

  • Attention capitalyou pay attention
  • Relationship capitalyou invest in relationships
  • Time capitalyou spend time
  • Trust capitalyou accrue trust
  • Wisdom capitalyou grow an experiential wisdom portfolio

These five keystone capitals are discussed in this podcast episode:

Activating these forms of soft capital allows them to act as multipliers for hard capital resources, thereby bringing forward unexpected complexity that investment in…



Ruth Glendinning

Community Architect // Published Poet // Future Story Lab // Anti-Fragile Playbook // S.L.O.W. Tech // #womenswork Buy my book! https://a.co/d/5MG47Di