Member-only story
2021: Creating a Lexicon of Future
B is for Brotherhood
As we move into a new story of future, we need to examine the language used to define our message.
Language is regularly credited with being the greatest achievement of humankind. It allows us to communicate intricate, complex ideas and (even in the simplest terms) deep emotions, with very little effort. It seems so simple and basic, but it’s a power that each of us who can speak, read and write takes entirely for granted.
No matter which language you speak, you have command over an ancient power that connects you with everyone who shares your language — the potential to exchange data in a way no computer can match, create bonds and friendships — or even forge mortal enemies. ~ The Greatest Accomplishment in Human History
Current State: Otherhood
Othering is a phenomenon in which some individuals or groups are defined and labeled as not fitting in within the norms of a social group. It is an effect that influences how people perceive and treat those who are viewed as being part of the in-group versus those who are seen as being part of the out-group.
Othering also involves attributing negative characteristics to people or groups that differentiate them from the perceived normative social group.
It is an “us vs. them” way of thinking about human connections and relationships. This process essentially involves looking at others and saying “they are not like me” or…