Member-only story
2021: Creating a Lexicon of Future
M is for Mother
Moving from the patriarchy, we root in a new paradigm, embodied by Gaia or Gaea, is the Greek Goddess of the Earth and was believed to have been a deity who governed the universe before the Titans were created.
Over time, Gaia has been giving the title of “Mother Earth” due to her responsibility for creating all life on Earth, her inability to see people suffering and her natural nurturing personality.
We can understand motherhood as a kind of relational askēsis, whose core is the attentive, attuned pattern-work of sustaining a child’s Umwelt while they are too young to do it themselves. This is a central reason why many women are willing to sacrifice social status and earning power to work part-time or stay at home with young children: it’s as satisfyingly rich in meaning-as-pattern as it is starved of social status and pecuniary reward. ~ Our Humanity Depends on the Things We Don’t Sell
The mothers and the others who are tending the garden of what’s next ~ Mothering the Future