Member-only story
2021: Creating the Lexicon of Future
Q is for Quality
Over the last year, we’ve been given time to examine how we’re living our lives. Prior to the global lockdown, we shaped our lives around the quantity of time — or lack thereof — that drove our choices. Now, thanks to Covid, we finally had all the time we needed, and the opportunity to think about the quality of that time…and how we spend it.
Defining Quality
Your perception of quality is influenced by both external and internal forces.
As we redefine our shared story, I continue to lean deeper into the second definition — focusing on the unique or distinctive characteristics of people and places — rather than measuring value from the outside.
One of my favorite quotes is from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice
“The quality of mercy” is a speech given by Portia in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (Act 4, Scene 1). In the speech, Portia, disguised as a lawyer, begs Shylock to show mercy to Antonio. The speech extols the power of mercy, “an attribute to God Himself.” ~ Wikipedia
The word ‘quality’ in this quote refers to the true nature of mercy. That is not temporal or of man; it is a natural gift of Spirit. As such, it stays in flow, granting grace in equal parts to the giver and the receiver.
This quality is what’s needed as the new story unfolds. Staying in flow, staying in grace, staying present to our shared future in which we move from Otherhood to Brotherhood, accessible and inclusive to all, no exceptions.