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2022: Creating a Lexicon of Future
H is for Humblebrag
A Humblebrag is basically a specific type of bragging which masks the brag in a faux-humble guise. The false humility allows the offender to boast their “achievements” without any sense of shame or guilt. ~ Humblebrag Hall of Fame
First, the researchers reviewed Wittel’s celebrity Twitter account (@Humblebrag) to see how non-celebrities would react to reading the tweets. They found that the humblebrags were negatively correlated with perceived sincerity and competence.
Second, they reviewed another common habitat for humblebrags: the job interview. You know the question “What is your greatest weakness?” That question has launched a thousand humblebrag ships. But here, too, the researchers found that those on the receiving end of an “I’m a perfectionist” line trusted a humblebragger less than someone who was more forthright. Humblebragging might cost you more than you think.
The study has other fascinating tidbits about the costs and benefits of bragging, but the main takeaway is that humblebragging is at its best a huge waste of time. ~ Humblebrag HBS Study