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2022: Creating a Lexicon of Future
Q is for Querencia
Querencia is a metaphysical concept in the Spanish language. The term comes from the Spanish verb “querer,” which means “to desire.” It has also been defined as “homing instinct, a favorite place” Larousse Gran Diccionario Español InglésEnglish Spanish (1994). ~ Wikipedia
I thought about where I want to go this year and my mind went back to an assignment in high school. The teacher asked us to write about the Spanish word Querencia which means “the longing or desire for home.”
I wrote that home is where your feet are and you know what? My essay won a bunch of awards
I truly believe that wherever you are in the world — whether you live out in the boonies, whether you live in a gigantic city like Paris or New York — you can make where you’re at, feel like home.
And you can make your business feel like home when you truly embrace exactly where you are, right here, right now and it’s not always about setting your sights on “over the rainbow” dreams and desires.
When you’re always thinking about something you don’t have yet, you’ll end up sabotaging your own happiness.
So, for me it’s all about the magic of Querencia — embracing that home is where your feet are, home is where you are right now on planet…