Member-only story
2023: From Community to Commodity
Part 1: Understanding the Problem…Top Down Doesn’t Work
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Where Are We?
As a society, we are in a transactional economy. What this means is that everything is attuned, developed and continuously refined to support the model that values monetary capital transactions above all else.
One of the outcomes of this framework, is that vast resources are dedicated to creating more consumer products to benefit the few at the expense of the many. This pattern is succintly expressed in the high tech economy’s motto coined by Mark Zuckerburg:
This thinking has made a small percentage of people excessively rich and has decimated the social contract that served to keep balance in our society for generations.
And, they seem to be speeding to what already worked and was less expensive to begin with:
Sooner or later, everything old is new again.
We may be at this point in tech, where supposedly revolutionary products are becoming eerily similar to the previous offerings they were supposed to beat.
Take video streaming. In search of better profitability, Netflix, Disney, and other providers have been raising…