2024: Releasing the Message
‘Fears to Feathers’ is available to purchase!
My poetry journey began February 17 2021 (the first day of Lent) and I thought it reached its end on April 2 2021 (Good Friday). The collection became ‘The Awakening Story’ and was a poetic journey to Christ consciousness. I didn’t realize it till I read all the poems and looked backward at the dates. All of it was a collaboration with souls in the Light.
I thought my poetic story was going to end there, but the souls had another plan and I’ve now collaborated with them to write over 1200 poems.
I had the chance to create a collection called ‘Fears to Feathers’ last October and received notice that it is now available in the marketplace!
You can purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or through Bookleaf Publishing.
“The curated collection of poems in this volume represents a small portion of the poems that have come to me over the last two years. I chose the concept of ‘Fears to Feathers’ because it captures the essence of what we need in this time of transition as we seek the path to what’s next.
I hope these poems help transform your own fears to feathers, allowing you to fly into the future with confidence and ease.”
Cover art: Kelly Blanscet of Graphic Granola
Edited by Trudy Martinez