Exactly! That's what we're developing here in Austin TX. Austin may be seen as a place where you can grow a future, it's dominated by high tech and the needs & wants of that market sector. Which drives up prices, making it unaffordable and inaccessible for everyone else. Future Story Lab (my company) is partnered with 214 Alpha using my SLOW Tech model to develop Bene Esse https://kent-dahlgren.medium.com/bene-esse-a-s-p-r-o-u-t-product-concept-eae64ad7d44b, The whole point is to build communities where economic sustainability begins at the household level. The purpose of SLOW Tech is to use technology to improve the human experience rather than separate us from that experience and each other. https://guruth.medium.com/2021-moving-slow-and-fixing-things-6b8ecb0076a5